Residents vote ‘yes’ to Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan


The residents of Hassocks gave a ringing endorsement to the Hassocks Neighbourhood Plan at the referendum held on 5th March. Voters braved torrential rain and a bitter cold wind to go to the Adastra Hall and support the Plan. 1,729 voted in the Referendum of which 1,635 voted in favour of the plan, which represents 94.8%. The turnout was 26.43%, which is very good for a local referendum, particularly in view of the inclement weather.

Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group Cllr Bill Hatton said: “In voting to accept the Plan the people of Hassocks have shown great maturity of judgement. They clearly understood that the Plan gives us the best chance to protect our village and the countryside around it. We are very grateful for their support.

“A very big thank you, too, to the members of our community who freely gave their time and expertise to our Working Party. We could not have done it without them.

“We would also like to thank all those who took part in the lively debate about the Plan on social media, especially those who supported the Plan and encouraged others to come out and do likewise.

“I am very pleased to say that the Plan now has statutory force and all planning applications will now be judged against its Policies.”

Hassocks business donates food luxuries to care homes

Cameron Wallis, from South Downs Nurseries at Villa Adastra in Hassocks

Cameron Wallis, from South Downs Nurseries at Villa Adastra in Hassocks

A Hassocks business donated food luxuries which they cannot sell during the current lock-down to local care homes as an Easter treat for staff and residents.

Family-run South Downs Nurseries donated Easter chocolate and delicacies on Good Friday.

Not surprisingly, Cameron Wallis from the Brighton Road business received a warm welcome everywhere he went, including at Villa Adastra in Hassocks and Ladymead in Hurstpierpoint.  

The garden centre's general manager, Steve Parsons said: “The garden centre is closed at the moment and with food due to go out of date before we re-open, we wanted to make sure it was sent somewhere it could be enjoyed.”

Many of the items given were from the expansive Sussex Food Hall but would likely have been out-of-date before it could re-open. A donation was also made to a local food bank.

Downlands Community School celebrates it’s 60th anniversary

Dale Avenue 1955 (courtesy of Francis Firth Collection)

Dale Avenue 1955 (courtesy of Francis Firth Collection)

It makes you wonder what the residents of Hassocks and in particular Dale Avenue and Windmill Avenue, thought in 1955 when it was proposed to build a new school right on their doorstep.

By Mark Wignall, Headteacher and Diana Hunt, Chair of Governors

Downlands School opened in September 1960 as the local secondary school for children who had failed their 11+. Then when comprehensive education started in 1965 it eventually opened its doors to all the local children and became Downlands Community School.

Back in 1960 approximately 450 pupils attended and over the years pupil numbers have grown and this September there will be 1200 students making their way up the school drive along with 130 of our staff plus 18 canteen and Freedom Leisure staff members.

From fairly small beginnings it has grown into an Ofsted rated ‘Outstanding’ school valued by many families in the area.

Over the years there have been many changes to accommodate the rise in numbers but we are sure past pupils would still recognise certain parts of the school.

In celebration of the 60th anniversary, we are looking to produce a photobook to show the life of the school, it’s pupils and staff from 1960 to 2020.

If you or somebody you know attended or taught at Downlands we would love to hear from you.

We are looking for old photos of the school, staff, pupils or school events. We would be very grateful if you could send them, together with a short caption, to school (Dale Avenue, Hassocks BN6 8LP) and marked 60th Anniversary. Originals would be better in terms of reproduction quality. We would then scan them at high resolution and return them to you. Please include your name and return address.

If you only have scanned copies please send them to the email address below.

If you have a special memory that has stayed with you over the years, then please send a few lines that may be included in the book.

If you are in touch with others who no longer live locally, we would be grateful if you could let them know.

We have set up an email address for this project so please send scanned photos and memories to:


Important information from Mid Sussex Health Care (Hassocks Doctors surgery)

By the team at Mid Sussex Health Care

Thank you very much to our patients for their support and understanding during this time as we are making daily changes to our operational procedures.

Our Patient Participation Group will be posting messages on the local Facebook pages with changes and updates. We are very aware that these messages and information reach a large percentage of our patient population using digital media. We are therefore using this facility to inform those patients who do not have access to electronic versions of the information.

In light of the ongoing situation relating to COVID-19, we wanted to let you know about the steps we are taking to ensure we can continue to support all of our patients during this time.

Firstly and most importantly, we respectfully request that all patients refrain from attending the practice unless asked to do so by a clinician. We are trying to reduce any footfall within the practice for the safety and wellbeing of our vulnerable patients who may need to be called in.

• We have on the advice of NHS England and our CCG suspended all appointment booking via on-line service for the forseeable future.

• Put any paper prescription request in the boxes outside the surgeries. Please, do not bring them into reception.

• Please telephone to make your appointments, do not come in the surgeries to book these.

• We would request that you download and register with the NHS apps. This will enable you to order your prescriptions electronically and avoid the need to come in to the practice. In addition, you will find that this is a quicker and safer method of requesting your medication and provides us with an audit trail to ensure at such a busy time, your request can be tracked from your original request through to completion and collection at the pharmacy.

• Please note we will be sending all completed prescription requests electronically to our local pharmacies. Should you prefer an alternative to our local pharmacy, please make us aware.

• All GP appointments will now be booked as telephone consultations for triage, should the GP then need to see you they will organise this with you during their call. This may not be at your usual branch or with your usual GP.

• Our nurses will be continuing to see some patients either face to face or via telephone calls. However, for our team to ensure we provide the appropriate appointment and clinician for you, they will ask you to provide a brief reason for your appointment request.

• We are currently receiving in excess of a thousand phone calls a day, which is putting increased demand on a reduced workforce. We therefore, respectfully ask that any queries or concerns you have regarding COVID-19 are first directed towards NHS 111 online service ( If you think you have symptoms and for general information and advice NHS England website ( prior to contacting the practice.

• If you have symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection (burning or stinging, urgent desire to pass water or going more often), often called a UTI or Cystitis, we will arrange a telephone assessment for you. Please do not bring in a urine sample for testing.

Important Information regarding practice essential operational changes to how we are working including access to our Ditchling and Hassocks sites.

The safety of our patients and our staff is paramount to Mid Sussex Health Care. We are continuing to try to reduce the non-essential reasons for anyone physically visiting the practice. All clinically essential work will continue but ALL patients will be remotely triaged to assess whether a face-to-face appointment is clinically necessary or whether follow up care and advice can be given using remote consultation or onward referral to hospital, community provider or a visit is required.

Any patient that the GPs feel need to be seen will be directed either to Hurstpierpoint or Hassocks.

Hurstpierpoint: For the safety of those patients that need to be seen after telephone triage, by either the nurses or a GP, and have been identified as nil or very low risk, Hurstpierpoint has been identified as the most suitable location to use, due to its size and room availability to house the staff team that are required to provide this service.

Hassocks: To support our colleagues elsewhere in the NHS and ease pressure on services such as NHS111 and A&E, we will be seeing patients that have been telephone triaged by a GP and need to be seen at our practice. Where there is any doubt that a patient may have an infection of any sort they will be asked to attend the Hassocks site where the GP will be wearing protective clothing. Additional cleaning will take place to ensure the highest infection control procedures are followed. Unless you have been specifically asked by a GP to attend Hassocks please DO NOT attend the site for any other reason.

Ditchling: closed until further notice.

The COVID-19 situation is evolving rapidly and up to date information can be found on the NHS website:

Our focus remains the well-being of our patients, our employees and supporting the wider community and to enable us to do this, the priority will be to protect our services for vulnerable patients and those who are most in need and so we ask that you only call us if absolutely necessary.

Finally, we want to thank you again for your cooperation understanding and patience during these uncertain times.

Hassocks volunteers rally round to create support group in light of Covid-19

Call for help in Hassocks and Keymer 01273 040 111

Loretta Major, a local businesswoman, could see there would be a need to support vulnerable members of our community through the Coronavirus Crisis. She has quickly and efficiently set up a community support scheme, Hassocks Volunteers Covid19, and already hundreds of local residents have joined the group on Facebook.

If you have access to Facebook, join the group and, if you need help, you can then reach out with a post. For example, you might want to ask, ‘can anybody pick up my prescription?’ or ‘please could you get me some shopping?’

Through the group, local residents can also volunteer to help. Some local organisations are referring people to Hassocks Volunteers Covid19. It’s important to get news of the group out to as many people as possible. Perhaps you would like to be a helper?

“I’ve already met a lot of fantastic people through this,” said Lorretta. “We at Hassocks Volunteers Covid19 group want to make sure that there isn’t a single person in Hassocks who cannot access community support to help them get through this crisis.”

Hassocks resident spots a gap in the volunteering market - Huddle Puddle launch

Huddle Puddle volunteer online database launches

Huddle Puddle volunteer online database launches

By Richard Watkins

We are Hassocks residents living in a street comprising 26 bungalows. Recently, because of the Covid-19 threat, I organised a neighbours’ contact group via WhatsApp.

Only half the responders have WhatsApp, some have just landline and some local family (therefore consider themselves supported). I also found out that most of the residents, like us, are over 70.

This set me thinking about the wider world of communities and the potential issues we all face over the coming months with isolation and a completely new approach to living our day to day lives.

I spoke to our son, who owns a technology development business, and we brainstormed ideas on how to create a not-for-profit community contact and services computerised system.

The idea, in summary, is to create a verified register of local volunteers; a similar register of any household in the community needing some form of assistance; and a form of bulletin board, which will be used to record ‘things’ to be delivered and track the timely and actual delivery.

The volunteer verification process is critical. We will ask potential volunteers to complete an online application, using the same checks as for a bank account opening. There are secondary levels that might be used, for example the acceptance of certified DBS applicants.

Once accepted, volunteers will be given a unique identification and a ‘virtual’ identity card that will be used for any communication or interaction into the service.

Homeowners will need to provide address verification and postcode details. The postcode is critical as it enables the easy identification of the household needing help, which will assist with deliveries.

We want the service to be inclusive and understand that not everybody has access to, or is confident with, internet-based services. We will cater for this by the use of mobile phone or near-neighbour ‘buddies’.

There is lots more information available on our website, which we invite you to view:

There is also an option for the reader to add an indicator that they think the idea is valuable and, also optional, add further basic details so that we can keep you informed of progress.

It is my hope that we can be up and operational shortly and that this system is able to help those most in need in our communities.

Hassocks VE Day celebrations cancelled

This year an annual May Day on Friday 8th May 2020 was planned in Adastra Park to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe, with a theme of 1940s. Organiser Michelle Binks cancelled the event last month with a heavy heart saying: “It was the right decision in the light of current government advice and with the movement of people restrictions changing all the time.” Stallholders have been contacted individually. She has no plans to set another date this year but Michelle but looks forward to organising Hassocks May Day in 2021.

DownsFest choir urge home singing

DownsFest Youth Choir has been recruiting enthusiastic young singers to rehearse for the festival but, sadly, all rehearsals are now cancelled. One of the organisers, Emily Hilson, said: “If DownsFest goes ahead in September - fingers crossed we are out the other side by then! - we shall do everything we can to run a few rehearsals and get ourselves up on that stage!”

The situation regarding COVID-19 changes at a rapid pace. The organisers of DownsFest 2020 are working on multiple contingency plans so that, if possible, they may be able to deliver a safe and successful event.

Organiser Michelle Binks explained: “With September being several months away, we are following government advice and will continue to review and augment plans accordingly. We would like to take this opportunity to thank and support all the incredibly hard-working NHS and emergency service staff.”

Meanwhile, Gareth Malone has set up The Great British Home Choir, which aims to give everyone the opportunity to contribute their voices and instruments to an ambitious digital music project which is compatible with social distancing. Register here:

Food risk reduction in Hassocks

Hassocks Community Organisation

By Fred Maillardet

This has been the winter of floods: record rainfalls across the country, with a series of intense storms dumping a month’s-worth of rain in a day or two. Has Hassocks just been lucky to avoid flooding, despite the recent torrential rain? Maybe, but a group of local residents has been working for the last four years on natural flood management to reduce flood risk in our village. Our Floods and SuDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) group is composed of members of HKD Transition and Hassocks Community Organisation (HCO) together with the Ouse and Adur Rivers Trust (OART).

The natural flood management approach is to ‘slow the flow’ – that is to reduce the volume of water entering the five tributaries which converge on the Herring Stream in the village. We have built ‘leaky’ debris dams in Lag Wood, built Rain Gardens in Adastra Park and Adastra Avenue and installed Rain Planters throughout Hassocks. An interpretation board in Adastra Park gives more details. We are also working with Downlands School on tree planting on their grounds.


This winter, Spitalford Bridge in the centre of Hassocks did not ‘choke’ as it did in similar storms in 2016, thus avoiding a repeat of the flooding in Parklands Road that year. It is now being recognised nationally that ‘the Government needs to increase the creation of more natural drainage systems...’ (The Guardian 17th Feb) and ‘to continue throwing concrete and endless amounts of money at defences such as high walls won’t stop the flooding’ (The Telegraph 11th Feb). The major flooding in Fishlake is now recognised by many flood experts to have been exacerbated by the £86m of hard engineered flood defences put in upstream to protect Sheffield. These defences had the effect of moving water quicker and in large volumes to downstream areas.

Sadly this pattern appears to have been repeated more recently in the Calder Valley which flooded for the third time in seven years despite about £30m already spent in the region on hard engineered defences.

The modest measures being taken in Hassocks do appear to be having an effect. We must prepare for more intense storms in future and it would appear that we are on the right track.

What's an electric car like?


There is much talk of the environmental impact all of us have in how we live. In this article we talk to Hassocks residents who have already taken the plunge and switched to cars which use electric power. Ann Nunn drives a hybrid (which means it uses both a conventional petrol engine as well as having batteries which can be charged and power the car for short periods of time), David Watson owns a Nissan Leaf which is a fully electric powered car (often referred to as an EV) and David Toman (pictured) has one of both types.

David Toman explained that he initially bought a Toyota Prius because of his scientific interest in the engineering concept of hybrid technology, but with a secondary objective of reducing his carbon footprint. “The Leaf (EV) was the next step and with a far greater range running on batteries. Most journeys are within a 30 mile radius of home and so I find now that I tend to use the Prius mainly for longer trips.”

The cost of charging an electric car and driving the miles is certainly cheaper than the equivalent in petrol or diesel. David Toman estimates that the per mile cost of running his EV compared to a petrol-drinking hybrid is around half. One of the advantages that David Watson, who has owned Nissan Leafs since 2012, tells us about is the car’s depreciation being less than other cars he’s owned.

Ann Nunn bought her Toyota Auris in order to reduce emissions but admits she was tempted in by the fuel economy, which she says averages 50mpg but has been known to get up to 70mpg! “I love driving it – it’s perfect. I’ve had it for three years and would definitely buy another one. It’s size and efficiency makes it a great car.”

In an all-electric one of the main concerns for potential EV owners can be about running out of charge. David Watson said: “We have solar panels at home but I do still charge away from home plenty and use remote charging points all the time. And they are improving in the technology and quantity available.” David Toman doesn’t have any experience of using charge points as he doesn’t do long journeys plus he also has solar panels at home – so there’s a strong incentive for him to use the free power especially during the spring and summer months.

All our owners described the cars as easy and pleasant to drive. Whether on the hybrid where the petrol engine cuts in and out on its own, or the super quiet drive of electric only. The recent announcement by the government to bring forward the ban of all petrol and diesel cars to 2035, the transition to electric (and other alternatively fuelled vehicles) is certainly upon us.

This article was first published in the March 2020 issue of Hassocks Life Magazine.

Hassocks runners prepare for the big day...


Inside March’s issue of Hassocks life we chat to a number of Hassocks residents who are tackling either Marathons or Half Marathons shortly.
In the feature we catch up with and wish all the best to:

Fiz Louden will be running the London Marathon next month and has recently joined Hassocks Community Runners.

Mel Lowin who ran the Brighton Marathon back in 2010 but this year will be running not one, but three Half Marathons: in Brighton, Gatwick and Barns Green.

Steve Roberts who will be running Beachy Head Marathon in September this year.

Read all about them and the Hassocks Marathon in Hassocks Life!


Photo by Deirdre Huston

Photo by Deirdre Huston

By Deirdre Huston

Jasvir Kumar took over Hassocks Food and Wine in Spring 2017. He was already familiar with the shop as he’d done some shifts for the previous owners, relatives of his wife, Ketal Patel. Ketal works in finance, dealing with PPA claims, but she helps in the shop when needed. The previous owners were distant cousins who the couple saw regularly at the Hindu temple in Crawley. Jasvir is a Sikh, but accompanies his wife to the Hindu temple as a social thing. Jasvir has always worked in customer service, as a chef, in an open kitchen and in a staff canteen, and he likes to talk with lots of different people. He enjoyed filling in at the shop during his relatives’ holidays. Around then, he was working three jobs and wanted something more convenient. Living in Crawley, he was aware of a variety of shops setting up for business and Jas decided he would like to have his own shop.

The shop already had a good customer base. Some regulars from the time of the previous owners are still customers. Jas was drawn to the fact that Hassocks is a smaller place with friendly people. “My regular customers are all good and very supportive.” People tell Jas what they would like and he picks up items from the supplier with specific customers in mind.

He is keen for new customers to pop in too. “It’s a shame people don’t come in and see what we offer. We stock beer from Harveys and Hurst Brewery, a local supplier.” Jas stocks best-selling wines such as Barefoot, Blossom Hill, Oxford and Hardy, Jacob’s Creek, Casillero and Yellowtail. “These wines are popular all year round.” He also stocks better wines like Siglo: the bottle is covered in hessian, making it popular to purchase as a gift. Ketal enjoys Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc so, of course, those wines are stocked and plenty of others too.
To read more about Jasvir and his shop find the full article inside this months (March) issue of Hassocks Life.

Female founders in Hassocks are thriving!

Last November, Ditchling resident and founder of Lock Healthcare Recruitment, Abigail Lock launched the Thrive Meetup in Hassocks with the support of The Thrive Effect - a purpose-led, membership organisation for female founders and women in business in Sussex.

Since then, over 60 women in business have attended the Thrive Meetup in Hassocks to develop their business skills and make new connections. During the first half of the meetup, attendees learn from a
female business owner who shares her expertise or experience on a particular topic. So far, the attendees have learnt how to present with confidence, how to create a successful brand and how to develop customer personas. During the second half, members participate in a peer support session where they find practical solutions for each other’s business challenges.

The attendees come from a range of industries and include artists, business consultants, hairdressers, marketers, nutritionists, retailers, social entrepreneurs and solicitors.

Abigail explained: “I have really enjoyed building the Hassocks meetup and getting to know other women in business from the local area. Our attendees have told me that they have found the meetups really inspiring and informative and a great opportunity to meet likeminded women.” The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Talking Hands Coffee Shop in Hassocks. Tickets cost £6 and free drinks and nibbles are provided.

The next Thrive Meetup is on Tuesday 11th February from 6pm to 8pm. To purchase your ticket, go to:

If you would like to talk at a future Thrive Meetup, please email Clare Griffiths, the Founder of The Thrive Effect, at or tweet @TheThriveEffect.

Snick's art exhibition

A teenager from Hassocks has found local fame through a new art initiative in Haywards Heath.

13 year-old non-binary student Snick is currently exhibiting their collection of digital art prints in the Art Hub in the Orchards Shopping Centre.

Beginning their interest in art with pencil and charcoal, Snick quickly developed a new style digitally last summer. They work on an XP-Pen Deco 01 tablet using FireAlpaca, and produce mainly portraits and caricatures. Snick’s work was originally published on social media, until a visit to the Art Hub in Haywards Heath before Christmas. The Hub’s initiative started last year, showcasing younger artists alongside more established work.

Article inside Feb 2020 Issue of Hassocks Life

Hassocks Artist

Hassocks Artist

Guiding for a new decade

Girl Guides Hassocks

Girl Guides Hassocks

The 22nd day in February is a very special date for Girlguiding, marking the birthday of the founder Lord Baden Powell and coincidentally, that of his wife, Olave, who became the first World Chief Guide.

This year, Girlguiding South Down Division will be holding an event to mark this date at Downlands School. Girls will gain a World Thinking Day Badge, raise funds for the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (known as WAGGGS) and share a tea together. There will be Rangers talking about international opportunities they have successfully applied to take on: four are off to take part in the Coco’s project in South Africa and two are off to Kenya; this is designed to inspire younger members to apply for such opportunities when they are a bit older.

Between them, the two local districts which make up South Down Division, Beacon (Hassocks and Ditchling) and Wolstonbury (Hurstpierpoint) have three Rainbow units, six Brownie units, four Guide units and one Ranger group, enabling many girls between the ages of five and eighteen to participate locally in a wide range of opportunities and activities through Guiding.

Immensely pound of its heritage, Girlguiding constantly updates itself for the current age so, while there are traditional items in programmes (map reading, cooking, hikes), there is much to inspire and interest
the 21st century girl too (for example: mindfulness, vlogging, safety online, body awareness and accepting who you are, human rights, being a conscious consumer, geocaching and upcycling).

In April 2019, Girlguiding launched a new programme across all age groups. Awards can be gained within six themes including ‘Know Myself’ and ‘Take Action’. South Down Division keep it local with visits to supermarkets such as Budgens, to learn about the foods we eat, plastics and recycling as well as visits to other services like salons such as Profiles and to local hairdressers. Girls also take advantage of the wonderful nearby woods for wide games, orienteering and cooking over fires. They also raise money for their termly chosen charities and support all the local village days such as Light Up Hassocks as well as supporting the Remembrance Parades. There are also opportunities to take part in prestigious national events with South Down girls being part of the Carpet Guard for the Chelsea Pensioners at a recent Royal Albert Hall’s Remembrance Service and being on the Girlguiding float in November’s Lord Mayor’s Show. Great excitement when both events were televised!

Girlguiding now has an array of ambassadors who travel to talk to young girls about what they can achieve. One example is Sally Kettle who rowed the Atlantic and who wows her audience with her story and continues
to inspire all who hear her with her positive, can-do attitude.

An example of how Girlguiding is adapting can be seen through what is now the second line of the Guide Promise: ‘I promise that I will do my best: To be true to myself and develop my beliefs...’. Guides may attend church services and parades but, as South Down Division Commissioner Pennie Thomson points out, the Promise stresses Girlguiding’s inclusivity: “People with other beliefs or no religious belief may make the new Promise.”

The Division is hoping for another successful Thinking Day event this month and welcomes new volunteers
so, if you are interested in helping, have a look at:
Featured in Feb 2020 of Hassocks Life

Memorial Garden Keymer - We shall remember them!

Hassocks Community Organisation

Hassocks Community Organisation

By Amanda Kenhard

If you had walked past the Grade II listed war memorial in the lower garden of St Cosmas and St Damian church in Keymer early last year, you may have noticed that the sloping grass bank behind the war memorial was looking a little sad. A more attractive and inspiring backdrop for the parish war memorial was clearly needed. What better year than 2019 - the 75th anniversary of D-Day to be chosen to give this area a makeover?

Conversations were started between the Hassocks Community Organisation’s (HCO) Green Group, the church Rector, Rev Alex Baxter and the volunteer group who look after the church grounds. Whilst the church team were very supportive and agreed that rejuvenating and tidying the Memorial Garden was highly desirable, they had no budget to be able to get this work done. Father Alex agreed that completion in time for the Remembrance Service on the 10th November would be an excellent goal. We enrolled the help of local professional gardener Jenny Curling for advice on suitable low maintenance shrubs and to produce an estimate of costs involved. With funding from HCO and a further grant obtained from Mid Sussex District Council, the work could begin and volunteers appealed for. During October the grass bank was strimmed and the volunteers met on the 26th October to start the planting. Beds around the memorial itself were also created and planted up with a mixture of red cyclamen and white heather. Happily, most of the work was completed in time for the Remembrance Service. Remaining funds will be used to add more spring bulbs and plant a few more shrubs by which time, the shrubs planted last year should be in full growth and looking great!

Thanks to Sage Garden Centre for their support and to Jenny’s mum for the tea and cake which fuelled the volunteers!

A new decade for Hassocks FC


By Scott Mccarthy

Gone are the 2010s and here are the 2020s. When one decade passes over to another, it often seems like
a good time to reflect on what has been before and what we want to happen in the future.

Everywhere you looked over the past month or so we’ve been blitzed with ‘best of the decade’ lists and ‘what will the world look like in 2030?’. You probably thought you could finally escape all that by picking up the latest edition of Hassocks Life in January 2020, but Hassocks FC have other ideas. Sorry!

How will the 2010s be remembered at the Beacon? By-and-large, it was a decade of success. The Robins achieved their highest ever finish of fourth in the Southern Combination League Premier Division in the 2011-12 season.

The Under 18s lifted two Central Division titles, finished runners up on a further three occasions and won a League Cup. The production line from youth team to first team has shown no signs of abating either.

Of course, there have been low points. Only being spared relegation due to ground grading at the end of the 2017-18 campaign was a disappointment, but the Robins have managed to stay afloat in the top flight – no mean feat for a club who pay peanuts compared to some of the big spenders.

And what of the future? That’s a more difficult question. That lack of serious financial backing means that it is hard to see how Hassocks could compete for promotion to the Isthmian League in the near future at least. Success on the pitch therefore over the next ten years will look like extending their run as the top flight’s longest serving club past the 30-year mark.

Strengthening the junior section and getting even more local players into the first team is another realistic target. The long-talked-about south field development might one day find the funding and support to get off the ground, allowing the Beacon to provide improved facilities and more pitches for teams in the village.

That could turn the home of football in Hassocks into the home of football in the local area, making the football club something the community can be truly proud of. Not a bad aim for the decade ahead, is it?

Barn home to new gents clothing store

Photo: Deirdre Huston

Photo: Deirdre Huston

Some readers may have noticed a new shop on the outskirts of Hassocks, along London Road. The Godfather officially opened on 30th November and stocks pre-loved and vintage men’s clothes. Stuart Levy, the owner, has been working in retail since he was 18 and previously had various retail outlets in Burgess Hill, including a luggage shop. He explains: “I saw this was the right place for me and put all the renovations into place in the space of a fortnight.” The shop is crammed with rolling stock from top brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Levi’s, Lee, Ralph Lauren and more. There is also a good supply of lumberjack jackets.

Time to find the Elf on the Shelf on Hassocks High Street


Hassocks estate agent Marchants will once again be organising a fun Christmas competition to raise festive spirits and also funds for charity.

For the second year running a number of shopkeepers have placed a Christmas Elf within their window display and participants will have to spot them and write down its name on the special form – available to collect from Marchants on the High Street or downloadable from:

Marchants’ Bennita Adair George explained: “We started the event last year as we thought it would be a fun idea to join the community of Hassocks together while doing some fundraising at the same time. We chose St Peter & St James Hospice as our charity partner as, having experienced its wonderful services, we realise how precious this organisation is to our community and want to support its future in helping others at their time of need.”

Completed entry forms for Find Elf on the Shelf need to be handed in at Marchants by 17th December 2019 along with a £1 charity donation. There will be a random prize draw from completed forms after this date.

DownsFest, Hassocks - date set for 2020

By Michelle Binks, DownsFest Organiser

DownsFest raised £1,000 for St Peter & St James Hospice

DownsFest raised £1,000 for St Peter & St James Hospice

DownsFest is returning! We are really pleased to announce the date for next year’s DownsFest is Saturday 5th September 2020 at Adastra Park in Hassocks.

We are excited to reveal that ‘One Step Behind, The Masters of Madness’ are confirmed as our headline act, the UK’s Premier and longest surviving MADNESS tribute band. Each member of One Step Behind grew up as a Madness fan, and perfecting his portrayal of his original Madness counterpart has been a labour of love.

They cover the wide spectrum of Madness songs: Baggy Trousers, One Step Beyond, House of Fun, Our House to name a few!

Last year we were delighted to bring over 18 local acts to our Hassocks festival stage. Performing at DownsFest launched several bands’ music into our community and wider afield. Now we are looking for more local acts covering all genres and musicality.

Please contact us on: if you’re interested to play next year.

DownsFest has raised £1,000 for St Peter and St James Hospice, and we’re looking to increase this figure for them next year. Tickets will be on sale soon but in the meantime you can keep in touch via Facebook or website: