Colin McFarlin — Find out news and information for Hassocks — Hassocks Life

Colin McFarlin

Recycle better with Colin McFarlin’s talk in Hassocks

By Colin McFarlin

I am really looking forward to giving my talk on recycling to Hassocks Field Society on Monday 28th February at 7.45pm.

As a Volunteer Waste Prevention Advisor for West Sussex County Council I first found interest in recycling in Haywards Heath 10 years ago, whilst attending a village fair and engaged with their stand on recycling. WSCC were looking to form a small team of volunteers to train on all aspects of recycling, to enable them to offer talks and events on recycling in their own districts. Colin was the first in Mid Sussex.

This required completion of a one-year online course at Brighton University, and to pass an examination. Also follow up courses every six months to keep up to date. This allows Colin to wear the Waste Prevention Advisors badge.

I am working closely and supporting MSDC and WSCC recycling initiatives. I keep busy giving talks on recycling. In 2019, I gave 65 talks to over 2,100 local residents. Talks in 2020 and 2021 were restricted by the pandemic, but continue to be available to groups, large and small, via Zoom. I have also broadcast on local community radio and write a monthly article in Hassocks Life and the three sister magazines, which can be found here: Cuckfield Life, Hurst Life and Lindfield Life.

Nominated by the community of Mid Sussex, Colin won the first “Take Pride in Mid Sussex” award in 2019 awarded by Mid Sussex District Council. The award recognises residents who dedicate their time and energy to Mid Sussex.

When not talking about recycling;

• Recording engineer for Talking Newspapers for the Blind
• Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator
• Chairman of Governors at Oathall Community College, Haywards Heath for 10 years
• Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute
• Past President of the Insurance Institute of Brighton
• Enhanced CRB/ Disclosure and Barring clearance Sussex NHS Volunteer Vaccination Champion

I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Adastra Hall.