Market welcomes new stallholders


A new feature at the market this month will be the Great British Charcuterie Company from the Marina in Brighton. They will be filling a hole which was left when the Spanish charcuterie stall moved on last year and will be very welcome. Also new will be Yorwarth’s Fresh Fish from Seaford. They will be bringing the village fresh fish from the Channel , giving Hassocks residents access to fresh fish that could only be satisfied otherwise by driving to another town, so you’ll be doing your bit for the environment when you take a stroll into the high street to buy your fish at the Village Market. Other new stalls are on the way, while many of the regular stallholders will be at the market. You can look forward to purchasing breads, local cheeses, fresh vegetables, locally grown plants, vegan cakes and more. The Village Market is also a great place for local businesses to try out their products on us all; look out for a Hassocks resident offering home-made soaps this month. There is also always a stand set aside for local good causes, so do get in touch if you’d like to join us. The market organisers have already implemented safety measures in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Visitors will be asked to follow a one-way system through the Village Market, entering it on the Keymer Road side, and exiting on to the corner of Dale Avenue. This is kindly being marshalled by the Hassocks and Keymer Volunteers Covid-19. Opening hours at the Village Market are 9am to 12.30pm on the 4th Saturday of the month (next one is 22nd August). It is held in the National Tyres car park, smack bang in the middle of the village, so you have no excuse to miss it. It also gives you a great opportunity to visit some of the top-quality shops we have stretching up from Orion Parade to Station Parade. The Village Market is managed by Catriona Hawksley, under the auspices of the Hassocks Community Organisation. If you would like to take up a stall there simply email Catriona on

Published in August’s Hassocks Life Magazine

Little Princess fundraises


Five-year-old Penelope West has been fundraising for the NHS. She and her mum were inspired by a friend’s little boy. He had walked ten miles around East Grinstead, and they decided to do something similar. “We wanted to do whatever we could to help in the current crisis,” explained Penelope’s mum, Natalie. They walked lots of different routes around Hassocks and found some amazing new paths to explore. To add to the challenge, each day Penelope decided how she wanted to dress up.

Read how they got on and more in July’s Hassocks Life.

Friends near, but so far


For ten long weeks people in Hassocks waited patiently through lockdown, staying at home while worrying about family and friends elsewhere. Photographer Steve Lewis, missing his friends but unable to visit because of the virus, took this photo-series of Hassocks families through their windows. “The windows symbolise the way we have all been separated from our friends and families,” Steve said. “The glass kept us physically safe, but emotionally and socially isolated.” Steve lived in Hassocks for 20 years and still lives locally. “Since my children grew up in the village I know people all over the village. The photos brought a few minutes of connection between us even though we couldn’t touch. “Taking the photos was also a reflection of lockdown itself, in that I had time to do this and focus on it. In our normal busy lives I wouldn’t have had time for this, and my friends would probably have been too busy to take part. Coronavirus did bring us some benefits, the chance to slow down.”

See more photos from this series on Steve’s Instagram: @Owstonlewis

DownsFest 2020 Cancelled

DownsFest music festival, which was due to take place in September, has been now been cancelled. Organiser Michelle Binks said: “We have held out for as long as possible but feel this is our only option at this stage to keep everyone safe, and not knowing what’s to come in terms of guidelines.” However, on a very positive note the date of Saturday 17th July 2021 for has been confirmed for next year! “We have brought the date forward into July for the warmer weather and lighter evenings,” Michelle went on, “avoiding other local event clashes and before the schools close for their summer holidays.” One Step Beyond will be headlining and our new ‘Family Zone’ will be launched at DownsFest 2021. The event will continue to fundraise for St Peter and St James Hospice. All tickets for DownsFest 2020 will automatically be transferred to 2021. Ticket holders who cannot make it next year, will find refunds will be available through Ticket Tailor. Michelle said: “We cannot thank the community enough for its understanding and ongoing support. Here’s to 2021!”

Village People - Keren Ghitis

Keren Ghitis

Keren Ghitis

From the earliest days people have been telling and recording their stories. These stories provide us with valuable links to the past and bring history to life. But life stories can also be a powerful tool in raising awareness of injustice, inequality and suffering. Hassocks resident Keren Ghitis has spent 15 years travelling all over the world capturing stories of ordinary people faced with unimaginable adversity. She now lives in the village and works as a psychotherapist in Brighton and Hassocks.

By Claire Cooper

Keren was born in Israel into a Latin American family. “My dad is Colombian, my mum Brazilian and our spoken language was Spanish,” she said. “I was brought up in a Latin culture in the Middle East!” With her multicultural upbringing, Keren knew from an early age that she wanted to work with marginalised communities. “As I grew up I became aware of the many different kinds of social injustice and the divide between rich and poor, particularly in Colombia and Brazil, which made me determined to work in those areas,” Keren recalled. “The political situation in Israel had also sparked my interest in social justice and human rights.” The opportunity to make a difference came when Keren joined PANOS, a London based company leading the way in using media and communication for development, shedding light on unreported issues and providing a voice for the poor and marginalised. Keren was a member of the Oral Testimonies team. “Our role was to equip people to record their life experiences and present their stories to inspire change,” said Keren. “I worked with people living with HIV and Aids, victims of war, survivors of trafficking, domestic slavery and communities in poverty. “When people tell their stories it has a huge impact on raising awareness and conveys a reality stronger than statistics.” Keren’s work with young people living with HIV and Aids in the Dominican Republic highlighted the spread of the virus and its impact on the poorest people. “I worked From the earliest days people have been telling and recording their stories. These stories provide us with valuable links to the past and bring history to life. But life stories can also be a powerful tool in raising awareness of injustice, inequality and suffering. Hassocks resident Keren Ghitis has spent 15 years travelling all over the world capturing stories of ordinary people faced with unimaginable adversity. She now lives in the village and works as a psychotherapist in Brighton and Hassocks. with one young girl living with HIV whose grandmother refused to use the same cutlery and dishes. The girl lived in a room away from the rest of the family. As you can imagine, this experience of constantly being rejected affected her very deeply.” Keren travelled all over the world gathering stories. “We would teach local people how to document their life stories, starting with how to use a tape recorder and progressing to videos. “When you consider that many people we trained had never seen a television, learning to hold and use a video camera was a completely new experience! We would transcribe the recordings into English and show the videos at global conferences and in international media to promote change and policy innovation.”

To read more please find the article in this month’s (July) issue of Hassocks Life!

British Flowers Week 2020 - celebrated in Hassocks


British Flowers Week took place last week (15th-21st June) and a group of florists in Hassocks celebrated by sharing some fresh, seasonal and locally grown British flowers with the residents of the village.

Alison Trowler said: “We are three independent florists who work from home in Hassocks.  We created 10 ‘Jam Jars of Joy’ each day during week and had fun leaving them on the doorsteps of people in Hassocks.”

The flowers have been locally grown at Pitfield Barn Flower Farm in Hurstpierpoint and Crosslands Nursery near Arundel.

“If you were one of the lucky recipients of our Jam Jars of Joy, we hope you enjoyed them.”


The three florists are: Ali – Trower’s Flowers – 07811 917510, Bea – Botanika Floral – 07525 862008 and Bryony – Bryony Mae Flowers – 07775 901917

MSDC Garden waste collections return on 11th May 2020


Mid Sussex District Council is resuming garden waste collections from Monday 11 May.

As part of the Council’s response to the COVID-19 national emergency, garden waste collections were paused on 13 April to enable the collection crews to meet social distancing requirements and to preserve rubbish and recycling collections.

During the past month the Council has worked hard alongside waste collection partner Serco to secure additional resources that will enable our crews to practice social distancing and collect our customers’ garden waste safely. Collections were originally predicted to be suspended for a period of 12 weeks, but new working arrangements mean it is now possible to bring the service back after only a four-week pause.

When the service resumes on Monday 11 May, customers should place their garden waste bins out for collection on their usual collection day. Anyone who is not sure when their bin is due for collection can check online at

The garden waste collection service has been paused for exactly four weeks and during that time each customer has missed two collections. To ensure that no household is financially disadvantaged by the suspension of the garden waste collection service, the Council will add four weeks onto the end of each subscription period to cover the number of collections missed.

Councillor John Belsey, Cabinet Member for Environment and Service Delivery said: “This has been a difficult month for everyone and we are so grateful to all our garden waste customers for their patience, support and understanding during the past few weeks.

“We know that garden waste collections are important to people, especially during this lockdown period, so we have been working as hard as we can with Serco to reinstate them safely as soon as possible. I’m delighted to say that we are now able to resume our garden waste collections.

“We really appreciate the efforts you are making to hold on to your garden waste but please remain patient for a little while longer once collections are back under way and we work through the build-up.

“Our crews are not able to collect any side waste so it’s important to make sure all your garden waste is contained within the bin and that the lid is closed. If you are unable to fit all your garden waste into your green wheelie bin, please continue to store it until your next scheduled collection. This will ensure the safety and wellbeing of our collection crews and that we can continue to offer a garden waste service to everyone.”

For more information, visit the garden waste collection page at where there are answers to several Frequently Asked Questions. Anyone who is unable to find the answer to their query online should email

Online library services widen

Screenshot 2020-04-20 at 10.15.35.png

Since the closure of local libraries due to the Coronavirus pandemic, West Sussex Libraries has now created a virtual hub with activities for children and elderly people, including online books, magazines and comics, puzzles and local history.

With your library membership number you can access a lot of this information - some of which includes special member access to external providers simply because you are a West Sussex Library cardholder.

A spokesperson for the Library service said: “We know how much libraries mean to our members which is why we’ve introduced this virtual hub of your local library’s online services, all accessible from home.

“We’re talking RhymeTimeOnline, handy links for book lovers, family history content, resources for home learning, links to the latest offerings from authors, publishers and more!”

There’s even access to Theory Test Pro to help learner drives study the basics before they get on the road.

For more information search the web or put this link into a web browser:

Meditations to help during lockdown

Debbie Horney normally runs mindfulness courses at Keymer Church Hall but since she isn’t able to lead group sessions during the coronavirus pandemic - she has decided to give out a number of new meditations from Remember Mindfulness to help get you through this difficult time.

Debbie Horney, mindfulness coach

Debbie Horney, mindfulness coach

I have been looking after myself with some new meditations and I would be delighted if you might like to use them too. They are as follows: 

  • The STOP practice is a short grounding meditation that can be used as many times during the day to just pause and collect yourself.

  • Coronavirus x calming the mind is a short grounding meditation.

  • Connection practice is particularly useful to remind us we are all in this together.

  • Compassion Meditation x Corona is my favourite daily practice at the moment. It brings our relationships to mind and includes a loving-kindness practice.

If you are interested in these meditations please email me and I will send you them by return.

Also, if you would like free 1-2-1 support to begin your mindfulness journey or to support your current practice, I would be pleased to help you over the telephone – contact details also below.

I was so grateful to receive the new meditations ... I love them... the compassion one is really beautiful ... it’s so gentle ... and softened my attitude ... the connection one is deeply comforting and will be a wonderful companion throughout this season of isolation ... The STOP meditation is a fantastic breather before I sit down with a pot of tea ... it’s like a little ‘pause and return to neutral’ button! ... The meditations you have provided have become the single most important part of my day ... and are a life skill I shall always treasure ... can’t thank you enough
— Kate (former Remember Mindfulness participant)

I will continue to teach Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction in Hassocks, Hurstpierpoint, Uckfield, Ringmer, and Haywards Heath as soon as I am able. We will meet in small groups weekly for 2 hours in various locations and times (mornings / evenings)

Hassocks PT Lynsey hosts Zoom fitness fundraiser - Sat 2nd May

Lynsey Thompson, hosting the 6hr Fitness Bonanza!

Lynsey Thompson, hosting the 6hr Fitness Bonanza!

Hassocks resident and personal training business owner Lynsey Thompson has put together a packed programme of fitness lessons via video conferencing tool Zoom for this Saturday in order to raise money for NHS Charities Together.

Under the watchful eye of both Lynsey and fellow trainer Claire Daniels, participants can join in with an many or as few as they want to - and donating to the charity via JustGiving

Book your class ASAP beforehand via the Facebook page:

What is a Lifetime Mortgage?


Advertiser and Mortgage, Equity Release and Protection Adviser Nigel Urban (from Finance Planning Group) explains in more detail…

The key to giving mortgage advice is to discover the customer’s circumstances and objectives, then match those to the most suitable product – bespoke advice.

There is no better example of that than lifetime mortgages. They are available to the over-55s, but what are they and which, if any, product is right for you? We are bombarded with advertisements for ‘equity release’, we see ‘myth-busting’ articles (which are actually advertisements) and we read ‘exposés’ in the tabloid press – generalisations about products being bad. Add to this the musings of saloon bar philosophers and anybody can be excused for being confused.

Lifetime mortgages are as they say: mortgages which last a lifetime. That is not quite true, they will also end when the borrower goes into permanent residential care, but the benefit is the same – you can stay in your home as long as you want to or are able to. Other benefits are that it is not necessary (but often possible) to make interest payments during the term of the mortgage and the interest rate is usually fixed for life, giving certainty. Because interest payments are voluntary, income is irrelevant. If no interest payments are made then interest rolls up and equity reduces, although the products we recommend have a ‘no negative equity’ guarantee.

Who, then, are lifetime mortgages for? Some recent cases give examples:

A lady in her mid-70s, employed but on a zero-hours contract, needing to remortgage. Her age and type of employment made it impossible to get an income-based product. A lifetime mortgage was ideal, as interest payments could be made from earned income, if desired, but could cease on retirement.

A gentleman needing to raise money, with a reasonable pension income but a high level of credit card debt. A standard mortgage would have required nearly all the debt to be repaid to establish affordability, defeating the objective of raising money.

As well as remortgaging and capital raising, lifetime mortgages can be used to purchase a property.

The amount borrowable depends on the borrower’s age and the value of the property.

Remote advice available during the isolation period

Lenders often offer tiered interest rates, where the lower the percentage of the property’s value being borrowed, the lower the interest rate. This is good news for property owners in the south east, where large property price increases over the last few decades mean that quite large sums can be borrowed at the best rates.

For example, at time of writing, the lowest rate available is with a lender which would lend an 80 year old up to 32% of the value of a property (e.g. £240,000 on a £750,000 property). A 55 year old could borrow 6% (£45,000) of the value of the same property*.

Higher loan to value borrowing is available, although at a higher rate of interest. At time of writing the most that could be borrowed is 58% of the value of the property*, at age 83+.

Returning to the theme at the beginning, a hairbrush is a good product, but not to a bald man. Lifetime mortgages are good products if they are right for you. Get bespoke advice. As whole of market advisers, Finance Planning can draw on over 350 lifetime mortgage products* and find the right one for you.

*Source: Answers in Retirement Limited 

Contact me for a free initial discussion, with no obligation: by email to, or call/text me on 07765 465508 (preferred) or our head office number, 01444 449200. FCA Registration Number 715721. Head Office: Hurstwood Grange, Hurstwood Lane, Haywards Heath, RH17 7QX.

Landscaper and Nursery support 50 NHS workers

Paul Wilkinson helps deliver planters to local NHS workers

Paul Wilkinson helps deliver planters to local NHS workers

Mid-Sussex landscaper Paul Wilkinson asked the community to nominate an NHS worker to receive one of these beautiful Spring planters supplied by South Downs Nurseries in Hassocks. 

"We were only too happy to show our support and help him out by donating these planters, which he delivered to the doors of 50 NHS workers," said Sarah Mead from the family-run garden centre in the Brighton Road.

Paul received a rapturous welcome as he delivered the planters to frontline health workers in Hassocks, Keymer, Ditchling, Clayton, Burgess Hill and Hurstpierpoint. 

What content goes into Hassocks Life magazine?

Editor David Tingley uses this video to talk through and show the amazing content that goes into Hassocks Life magazine every single month. The magazine is printed and delivered to all homes in Hassocks, Keymer and Clayton each month.

If you would like to use the magazine to promote your business or service, do get in touch with us here.

If you have a suggestion of content for a future edition of Hassocks Life, then please send us an email in the first instance to

Scout group thriving in Hassocks

1st Hassocks Scouts

1st Hassocks Scouts

By Bill Whitehead, Group Scout Leader

You may not have noticed the headquarters of 1st Hassocks Scout Group between the flats and allotments on Parklands Road but you have probably seen its Beavers, Cubs or Scouts out and about in the past having fun and learning new skills.

Scouting has changed a lot over the last decade. It is now a diverse and inclusive movement that welcomes everyone regardless of their background, race, gender, sexuality or faith.

1st Hassocks Scout Group started in the early 1900s. Today it has over 140 young people aged between six and 14 years old who meet weekly to take part in activities which provide them with life skills, adventure, teamwork and fun.

Recently the Beavers participated in adventurous paddle boarding and water sports at Hove lagoon, and they enjoyed an informative walk through a local meadow discovering plants and butterflies and a singsong round a real camp fire.

The Cubs travelled to London for a fun-filled weekend, which included sleeping on a converted ice breaker ship in Docklands. The Scouts joined over 4,000 other young people from around the UK to play real life monopoly in London, visiting all the locations on the board. They also chatted non-stop for 24 hours to Scouts from around the world at an online jamboree.

If this sounds like something your child would enjoy, please register an interest by forwarding their details to

In due course, when life returns to more normality, why not volunteer to join a friendly welcoming team?

For more information please contact me by email: or visit our website:

MSDC seek help to commemorate Mid Sussex Virtual VE Day

With planned VE Day events now not taking place, MSDC are compiling a virtual tribute

With planned VE Day events now not taking place, MSDC are compiling a virtual tribute

Mid Sussex District Council are calling for your help to create a memory bank of commemoration for Victory in Europe Day (8th May).

While current social distancing measures are in place it will not be possible for street parties to take place at the moment, so Mid Sussex District Council is calling for submissions for a virtual memory bank to help commemorate VE Day. Tributes and photos, memories, songs and stories of VE Day and what it means will be merged into a showreel and presented on the Council’s digital platforms. Recordings of ‘We’ll Meet Again’ can also be sent to form the soundtrack to the presentation.

Earlier in the year MSDC provided grants to commemorate VE Day; but given the current national and international situation these events won’t take place at this time. The Council will of course be honouring our grant commitments when recipients feel they are in a position to mark the many sacrifices made and to commemorate the end of WWII.

Councillor Norman Webster, Cabinet Member for Community said: “This is an important commemoration and we want to do everything we can to ensure it is marked. Somehow it is even more relevant, as we all recognise the bonds of friendship and community we are experiencing anew, that we commemorate those who gave so much at that time”.

Please send photos and poems for Mid Sussex Virtual VE Day to or via the Council’s Facebook channel. You can upload film or songs to a special form at

Deadline for submissions in Monday 4th May 2020. MSDC cannot guarantee all will be used but the team will try to use as many as possible. Before submitting you must ensure you have permission for any items to be displayed publicly.

Lockdown Lounge Talks by HKD Transition

Local environmental group HKD Transition have put together a range of talks taking place during the Coronavirus lockdown, that anyone can join in on from their home. They are designed to ‘inform and entertain you during the pandemic when we (HKD) are not able to hold all the activities we had planned’.

The first is on Wednesday (22nd April, 7pm) when Laurie Jackson will talk about climate change and wildlife.

Click images below to go to Event Brite to register for each event.

Climate change and wildlife - 22nd April 2020, 7pm

Climate change and wildlife - 22nd April 2020, 7pm

Recycling during the pandemic - 6th May, 7pm

Recycling during the pandemic - 6th May, 7pm

Herbs and your health - 29th April 2020, 7pm

Herbs and your health - 29th April 2020, 7pm

Meet Hassocks milliner Anne Tomlin

Anne Tomlin, Hassocks milliner

Anne Tomlin, Hassocks milliner

Hassocks Life’s Deirdre Huston drops into Anne Tomlin’s studio to chat about nature, hats and the artistic life…

Photo: Ian Skelton

Photo: Ian Skelton

As we chatted, friendly cocker spaniels wandered in and out and the sun filtered through the window. Anne’s studio was chock-a-block with the rich colours of specimens from the natural world, an array of paint pots and examples of her spectacular, intricate and witty hats.

Anne’s love of making things, fabric and textiles goes back a long way. She learned to sew when she was about six. “My grandma was fantastic at sewing and made Fair Isle jumpers, all the very difficult stuff. She taught me and was my inspiration.”

Growing up in Somerset, Anne lived with her family in a woodman’s cottage on Lord Bath’s Estate. “From a very early age I went badger watching with my father. Glowworms lit up around the edges of the garden and wildflowers grew everywhere. It was here I got my love of nature.” She painted small detailed studies of what she saw. Later the family moved and Anne went to Frome Grammar School where she studied A-level Textiles. “I had the most amazing teachers who were just so enterprising and innovative.”

[Full story in April 2020 issue of Hassocks Life magazine]

Take a look at these Hassocks heroes...

Thank you key workers

We know that the people of Hassocks are superstars but just in case you needed any extra proof, take a look at the following: just a few of the amazing key workers either living or working in the village to keep it running throughout this crazy Coronavirus period. These people are doing their normal jobs while many of the rest of us are staying at home in safety.

Thank you key workers - we appreciate everything you have and are continuing to do…

Chantelle Martin & Ros French occupational therapists in the area.jpg

Chantelle Martin & Ros French

Occupational Therapists in the area

Darren Bramley Head of Cameras on ITV's Good Morning Britain.jpeg

Darren Bramley

Head of Cameras on ITV's Good Morning Britain

Jennifer McLean wife for NHS.jpg

Jennifer McLean

Midwife for the NHS

Matt Tucker police officer with the MET.jpeg

Matt Tucker

Police Officer with the MET

Julie Wade is a midwife at St Thomas' Hospital, London.jpg

Julie Wade

Midwife at St Thomas' Hospital, London


Dan Major

Part of the pandemic multi-agency response team

Helen McKimm works at East Grinstead hospital.jpg

Helen McKimm

works at East Grinstead hospital

Julie Taylor, A&E senior sister at Croydon University Hospital.jpg

Julie Taylor

A&E senior sister at Croydon University Hospital

Matt Freestone Junior Producer on Good Morning Britain.jpeg

Matt Freestone

Junior Producer on Good Morning Britain

Katie Finch, Midwife at East Surrey Hospital.jpg

Katie Finch

Midwife at East Surrey Hospital